Fit und dement?

Fragen bleiben: Externe Validitaet fuer andere Laender? Reichen 2 Jahre Studiendauer? Waren beide Interventionen effektiv? Signal/Rausch-Verhaeltnis bei der Bestimmung koerperlicher Aktivitaet?; Aus; “Neue Studien sind ernuechternd: Weder Nahrungsergaenzungsmittel noch koerperliches Training scheinen geistige Regsamkeit zu bewahren.” sowie eine englischsprachige Zusammenfassung unter; “Editorial: Lifestyles and Cognitive Health “Although the well-designed RCTs presented by Sink and colleagues and Chew and colleagues failed to demonstrate significant cognitive benefits these results should not lead to nihilism involving lifestyle factors in older adults. It is still likely that lifestyle factors such as diet and physical activity have important roles in the prevention of cognitive decline dementia and performance of the activities of daily living” write Sudeep S. Gill M.D. M.Sc. and Dallas P. Seitz M.D. Ph.D. of Queens University Kingston Ontario Canada in an accompanying editorial. “Physicians should encourage patients of all ages to optimize physical activity levels throughout their life which may help to reduce the risk of developing dementia and many other adverse health outcomes. An active lifestyle throughout the lifespan may be more effective in preventing cognitive decline than starting physical activity after the onset of cognitive symptoms. Similarly adherence to Mediterranean or heart healthy diets throughout life are likely to be most beneficial in preventing cognitive decline or the onset of dementia in contrast to isolated nutritional supplements initiated late in life.” (doi:10.1001/jama.2015.9526; Available pre-embargo to the media at;”