
Intensivtraining? Paper 1 “Sprint Interval Training Effects on Aerobic Capacity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis;Nicholas H. Gist;Michael V. Fedewa;Rod K. Dishman;Kirk J. Cureton” Paper 2 “” – “Three Minutes of All-Out Intermittent Exercise per Week Increases Skeletal Muscle Oxidative Capacity…
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in “The Telegraph”: “Want your children to keep fit? Let them play computer games”

;”A study suggests that video games – often blamed for youngsters lack of exercise – may in fact provide moderate or intense physical activity” Corresponding papers:

Result Cardia Study: “Greater physical fitness was associated with more brain volume and greater white matter integrity measured 5 years later in middle-aged adults. Neurology® 2015;84:2347–2353”

Article in Neurology:; Abstract: “Cardiorespiratory fitness and brain volume and white matter integrity The CARDIA Study ABSTRACT Objective: We hypothesized that greater cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with lower odds of having unfavorable brain MRI findings. Methods: We studied 565 healthy…
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Walk dont sit!

Already 2min more per hour may start to show benefit according to a new study (Link to original Article:; In;Medscape Medical News;”Walking Instead of Sitting Prolongs Life Even in Small Doses;Laurie Barclay MD May;01;2015″;;src=wnleditmedpwir;uac=17651BN;spon=17 “Light-Intensity Physical Activities and Mortality in…
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Good news in JAMA Intern Med 2015 large reduction in mortality risk “for those who do a little and those who do lot” of exercise by Arem et . al.

Article in Medscape (;src=wnleditmedpwir;uac=17651BN;spon=17#vp1)”BETHESDA MD — Good news on the exercise front including for those who do a little and those who do lot with a new study showing that any amount of leisure-time physical activity is associated with a…
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